Attention: Business Owners Who Are Looking To Accelerate Their Growth While Increasing The Valuation Of Their Company...Read Every Word Below! 

 Grow Your Business 3x To 10x Faster With The Underground Strategies Of Billion-Dollar Brands 
20+ Experts Reveal Their Most Closely Guarded Secrets To Growth, Productivity, Culture, And International Expansion
You can't afford to miss this one!
Featured Topics Include...

Get Out Of Overwhelm And Avoid Growth Stagnation

Discover the art of balancing ambition with well-being. Learn practical strategies to break free from the cycle of overwhelm, ensuring your business thrives without sacrificing your mental and emotional health.

The No-BS Guide To Staying Fired Up Without Burning Out

Learn how to sustain high energy and passion in your entrepreneurial journey without hitting the burnout wall. Explore actionable techniques to keep your motivational flame alive, ensuring you stay productive, focused, and enthusiastic about your business goals.

Clone Yourself And Delegate Your Vision To Others Who "Get It"

Unlock the power of effective delegation, where you'll learn how to replicate your vision and values in your team. Dive into strategies for identifying and empowering the right people who can carry your vision forward, magnifying your impact without micromanaging every detail.

Kill It In Your Business And Still Be A Rockstar At The Dinner Table

Balance is not just a buzzword, it's a lifestyle. Take a thrilling journey into mastering the art of juggling a flourishing business while being an all-star at home. Learn the secrets to maintaining high performance in your professional life without sacrificing those precious dinner table moments with your family.

Ditch The Unsettling Feeling Of Not Being Good Enough (Or A Fraud)

Wave goodbye to the nagging doubts and the sneaky whispers of 'imposter syndrome' that lurk in the corners of your mind. Explore a vibrant toolkit for those looking to break free from the chains of self-doubt, paving the way to embrace their true potential with confidence and gusto.

The Incomplete Guide To Complete Leadership

Step into the shoes of a leader who isn't just about titles and boardrooms, but about real, impactful influence. Throw the traditional rulebook out the window, embark on a fresh and dynamic approach to leadership that embraces imperfections and turns them into strengths.

Bulletproof Your Business Finances Before You Really Screw Up

Get ready to turn your financial fears into your greatest strengths. Transform your approach to business finances from reactive to proactive, ensuring you're not just surviving but thriving financially. It's time to build a financial fortress around your business that's ready for anything.

How To Play Business Poker Without Losing Your Shirt

Embrace the thrill of business risk without the fear of losing it all. This  is your ace in the hole, teaching you how to make strategic, calculated decisions in business. It's not just about playing the game, it's about rewriting the rules to win big and keep your shirt on!

The CEO's Fitness Plan: Building Empires Without Health Sacrifices

Forge a business empire without sacrificing your well-being on the altar of success. Get a refreshing take on integrating fitness and health into the hectic life of a CEO. Get ready to learn how maintaining your health is not just good for you, but also for your business's bottom line.

The Hitchhikers Guide To Business Boredom

Say goodbye to the yawn-inducing routines that plague your business journey. Here's a ticket to turning mundane into extraordinary, offering innovative strategies to inject excitement and passion back into your daily business grind. Get ready to hitch a ride to a world where boredom is just a distant memory!

Raising Mini-Moguls: Passing On Your Knowledge And Experience

Transform your wisdom into a legacy that shapes the next generation of business leaders. Explore the art of mentoring and guiding young entrepreneurs to stand on the shoulders of your experience. Witness how your journey can light the path for mini-moguls ready to take on the world.

Plan Your Exit Now: Ensuring Your Business Funds Your Ideal Retirement

Craft the perfect grand finale for your entrepreneurial symphony. Tune into the critical art of exit planning, ensuring your business not only rewards you throughout your career but also becomes the cornerstone of a dream retirement. It's about making your final business act as rewarding as the journey itself.

Beating The Loneliness Of Working From Home

Transform your home office from a solitary confinement to a hub of connection and creativity. Here's your guide to conquering the often-unspoken loneliness of remote work, bringing strategies and insights to create a thriving, socially rich work environment, right from the comfort of your home.

Stay Ahead Of The Digital Curve: Future Proofing Your Business

Navigate the digital seas like a seasoned captain, always a step ahead of the technological tides. Get equipped with the foresight and tools to keep your business not just afloat, but sailing swiftly in the ever-evolving digital world. Prepare to chart a course that keeps you at the forefront, come what may in the tech waters.

Steering Through The Storm: Leadership When You're Drowning

Navigate the choppy waters of crisis leadership with grace and effectiveness. This session is a life raft for leaders finding themselves in over their heads, offering strategies to not only survive the storm but also guide their team to calmer seas. Learn how to transform tumultuous times into opportunities for growth and resilience.

How To Train Your Kids Not To Bark When Working From Home

Juggling parenthood and professionalism from your home office just got easier. A playful yet practical guide to integrating your little ones into your work-from-home routine. Get ready to learn clever, family-friendly strategies that keep the peace and productivity high, without turning your living room into a boardroom.

Spotting Talent Beyond The Resume: Drafting Your Dream Team

Build a dream team where a resume is just the starting point, not the entire story. Uncover the art of recognizing hidden gems and potential in people, moving beyond traditional hiring methods. Learn to identify the qualities that truly matter, crafting a team that's as dynamic and diverse as your business vision.

Breaking Up With Client Monogamy: Stop Putting Your Eggs In ONE Basket

It's time to play the field in the world of client relationships! We will break down the myth that reliance on a single major client equals stability. Dive into the exciting realm of diversifying your client portfolio, ensuring your business thrives on a healthy mix of opportunities and not just a one-client wonder.

Disaster-Proof Your Business Against Supply Chain Disruption

Gear up to turn your business into an unshakable fortress in the face of supply chain upheavals. Learn to craft a robust strategy that keeps your operations smooth and customers satisfied, even when the supply chain world is in chaos. Get ready to learn the secrets of resilience that will keep your business thriving through the unexpected.

Regulatory Rodeo: Staying Compliant Without Needing A Law Degree

Saddle up for a wild ride through the complex world of business regulations without getting lost in legal jargon. Here is your roadmap to navigating the twists and turns of compliance with ease and confidence. Learn how to stay on top of regulatory changes and keep your business galloping smoothly in the right direction.

Defending Your Dollars From Business Blunders Using Cash Flow Kung Fu

Transform your financial management into a martial art with the prowess of Cash Flow Kung Fu. Discover how to dodge and weave through common financial pitfalls, turning your business cash flow into a well-orchestrated dance of precision and agility. Get ready to defend your dollars with the skill and finesse of a Kung Fu master.

Building Or Rebuilding A Bulletproof Reputation And Turning Internet Infamy Into Fame

Step into the digital arena where your reputation can make or break your business. Construct an unbreakable reputation, or resurrect one from the ashes of online mishaps. Learn the art of transforming negative buzz into a chorus of accolades and turning your brand into an internet sensation for all the right reasons.

Turning Office Politics From A Team Of Rivals Into A Band Of Brothers And Sisters

Transform the battleground of office politics into a harmonious symphony of collaboration. Your guide to flipping the script on workplace rivalry, fostering an environment where competition gives way to camaraderie. Discover how to unite diverse personalities into a cohesive, unstoppable team, bonded not just by goals, but by mutual respect and support.

Saving Your Strategy When Plan A Tanks

Welcome to the masterclass of strategic pivots where no setback is too great. Uncover a treasure trove of tactics for when your Plan A hits a wall, teaching you how to swiftly adapt, reinvent, and forge ahead. Embrace the art of agile thinking and learn to turn potential disasters into opportunities for unexpected success.

IP Theft: Safeguarding Your Best Ideas Without Becoming A Paranoid Hermit

Navigate the tightrope between protecting your intellectual property and remaining open to collaboration. Dive deep into the world of IP protection, equipping you with strategies to keep your ideas safe without barricading yourself from valuable partnerships. Learn the secrets to striking that perfect balance between security and openness in the innovative landscape.

Scaling Sorcery: The Magic Of Scaling Without Failing

Embark on a spellbinding journey to scale your business with the finesse of a seasoned sorcerer. Discover the mystical art of scaling, blending strategy with a touch of magic to ensure growth without the risk of collapse. Prepare to be enchanted with insights that transform the daunting task of scaling into an exciting adventure of business expansion.

Standing Out And Gaining Market Share Even In A Crowded Pond

Dive into the bustling marketplace pond and emerge as the unmistakable big fish. Learn about differentiating your business in a saturated market, ensuring your brand doesn't just survive but thrives. Get ready to learn the tricks to not only capture attention but also to secure a lion's share of the market, making your competitors wonder how you did it.

Business Buddies: Keeping Partnerships Prosperous, Not Poisonous

Learn the art of nurturing successful and harmonious business partnerships. Explore strategies to maintain a positive dynamic, ensuring that collaborations are fruitful and conflict-free, turning partnerships into your business's most valuable asset.

Keeping Your Business Intact When Key Players Exit

Navigate the tricky waters of sustaining your business's momentum when key members move on. Focus on effective strategies for seamless transitions, ensuring your business remains strong and agile, even in the face of unexpected departures.

Cool Ideas In A Hot Market: Innovating Without The Burnout

Learn how to focus on fostering creativity and driving market-leading innovations while maintaining personal and team well-being, ensuring you stay at the forefront of your industry without the cost of burnout.

Marketing Mojo: What To Do When Your Marketing Isn't Working (Anymore)

Struggling with marketing strategies that have lost their spark? A guide to revitalizing your approach, offering fresh perspectives and innovative techniques to breathe new life into your marketing efforts. You'll learn how to analyze your current strategies, identify the missing links, and inject creativity and efficiency to reconnect with your audience in a meaningful way.

Green Without Envy: Profiting In An Eco-Conscience Economy

Tapping into the eco-conscious market doesn't mean sacrificing profits; in fact, it can be a goldmine of opportunity. Explore how aligning with environmental values can open new avenues for business growth and consumer trust. You'll be guided through the nuances of green marketing, learning how to authentically connect with eco-aware customers and create a brand that stands for sustainability and profit.

Hack-Proofing Your Business: Keeping Hackers Out Of Your Cookie Jar

Stepping up your digital defense is no longer optional, it's imperative. Navigate the choppy waters of cybersecurity, equipping you with the know-how to shield your business from digital pirates. From identifying vulnerabilities to implementing robust security protocols, learn how to fortify your online presence and keep your business's data safe from prying eyes.

Recession-Proofing Your Biz: Staying Afloat When The Market's Sinking

When economic tides turn, it's the resilient businesses that stay afloat. Craft a recession-proof strategy, ensuring your business not only survives but thrives in economic downturns. Learn to adapt, pivot, and innovate, creating a business model that's both flexible and robust, ready to tackle any financial storm with confidence.

Asset Protection Strategies That Are Working NOW!

Navigating the complex world of asset protection just got a whole lot easier. Zoom in on the most effective, current strategies for safeguarding your business's assets. From legal structures to smart insurance choices, get ready to arm yourself with a toolkit of tactics to secure your hard-earned assets against unforeseen threats and ensure long-term business stability.
We've Left Nothing Out Of This Exceptional Educational Experience!  
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Meet Your Summit Host - Mike Warren
Mike Warren is a formidable figure in business. With over 20 years of expertise, he has established himself as a real maverick, revolutionizing businesses and motivating entrepreneurs throughout the world. His path began as a youngster, when his natural sense of value and marketing drove him to resale goods from the rubbish to his local community. This early entrepreneurial attitude set the stage for a successful career.

Warren earned a double MBA and has a wide portfolio of entrepreneurial companies. He is the CEO and creator of Business Mastery University and MISUniversity, as well as the co-founder of Boots2Suits and the owner of a multimillion-dollar private equity business. His experience also extends to authoring, where he has written numerous best-selling books, including "The Exit Formula" and "How to Buy a Business Using Its Own Cash." These works provide vital insights on business growth, selling enterprises, and leveraging credit.

Warren's enthusiasm goes beyond commercial achievement. He is actively interested in activities that benefit communities and veterans. His co-founded enterprise, Boots2Suits, helps veterans transition from military duty to civilian business ownership. Warren motivates and educates entrepreneurs with the information and techniques they need to succeed with an engaging teaching approach that combines education and fun. His diversified clientele comprises C-level executives and entrepreneurs from a variety of sectors, all of whom want to use his tried-and-true tactics for business development and cash flow production.
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Join The 360 Summits JV/Affiliate Program
When you become an affiliate, we supply you with a range of social media graphics & email swipe copy that you can use to promote the events you are interested in. Each affiliate is provided with a unique link that is tracked by our affiliate team. Commissions are earned for each sale that comes in through your unique link!
Join Today!
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Summit Sponsorship Opportunities
Put Your Product, Service Or Brand In Front Of Engaged And Motivated New Customers Now!
The highly anticipated virtual Growth Hacking Summit kicks off August 8th, 2024 with the goal of bringing the world’s best marketers and strategic thinkers together for a blockbuster virtual event.

Featured innovators will be discussing what’s working now in the fields of Business Growth & Leadership, Productivity & Time Management, Remote Work & Work-Life Balance, Hiring & Talent Management, Client Management & Sales, Content Marketing & Branding, Marketing & Lead Generation, Personal Branding & Expertise and so much more!
If you're not appearing, you're disappearing!
FIVE convenient sponsorship options designed to get your brand maximum exposure and leverage through the power of our virtual event platform. 
A cost-effective option for brands looking to gain visibility and connect within the Growth Hacking Summit community.  
Per Lead Payout Program: Earn $1 per free registration* that you send to the summit from your email list.
Virtual Exhibit Hall Booth: Engage attendees with a 3-10 minute video presentation, offering a digital touchpoint for potential clients.
For brands aiming for amplified visibility and deeper engagement with the Growth Hacking Summit audience.  
Everything in the Bronze package
Brand Visibility: Feature your logo prominently on the Registration, VIP Offer, and Daily Pages, increasing brand recall among attendees.
Sponsored Email Placement: Cement your brand's presence with a spot in the post-event newsletter, reaching 50k+ attendees directly in their inboxes.
premium choice for brands seeking presence and maximized interaction with the Growth Hacking Summit community.  
Everything in the Bronze and Silver
VIP Members Area Bonus: Gain an edge by offering a bonus in the highly-visited VIP Members Area (Perfect for lead generation).
Dedicated Email Reach: Stand out with 1 dedicated email to the full Summit list post-event, ensuring direct and personalized engagement with attendees.
Everything in the Bronze, Silver & Gold
Exclusive "Sponsored" Session: Own a dedicated presentation slot during the Summit, ensuring focused attention from the audience.
Post-Event Online Masterclass/Webinar: Further engage attendees by offering valuable insights through an online masterclass or webinar after the summit. (+ 2 extra emails to the list!)
Direct Email Engagement: Send 2 personalized emails to the entire Summit list post-event, strengthening brand recall and engagement.

If you want your branding to be at the CENTER of the event then this is the sponsorship for you! Perfect for sponsors aiming for unparalleled visibility and impact.
Everything in Platinum
Double the Insight: Offer two valuable post-event online masterclasses/webinars, further reinforcing your brand's expertise and authority.
Branded Video Sign-Off: Gain lasting impressions with a "Sponsored By" placement at the end of summit videos.
Exclusive Live Engagement: Host a "Sponsored" Live Zoom "Happy Hour" session for 90 minutes, allowing for real-time interaction and deeper connections with the audience.  
Breakdown of Sponsorship Benefits
Effective and convenient sponsorship benefits designed to get your brand maximum exposure and leverage through the power of our virtual event platform. 
Virtual Exhibit Hall
Your company is no longer limited to a geographic area to showcase your products and services. Our Virtual Exhibit Hall gives sponsors the opportunity to reach a worldwide audience of market leaders and innovators 24/7 without the need for travel, hotel stays and limited foot traffic. Each exhibitor/sponsor gets the opportunity to create a 3-10 minute video demonstration that would emulate the experience at a real live expo event. You can educate, share and sell your company’s products without expensive booths, staffing, and time away from work!
Brand Logo Display
Brand recognition is a key component to executing a proper marketing plan. Silver and above sponsors will receive key visibility on all trafficked summit pages. Attendees will build trust as your brand is associated with the incredibly valuable strategies and solutions shared throughout the event. Having your brand alongside the names and pictures of industry leaders will help secure your place as a relevant and future forward company who is leading the way.
Sponsored Email
After the event promotion window has ended, we will be sending all registered attendees a special newsletter that showcases our sponsors brand, products and services. Contact info including website URL and other key data points will be included in order to facilitate easy communication and sales conversations where applicable. 
VIP Bonus
Gold and above sponsors will have the opportunity to include a special bonus in our VIP Pass members area. This bonus can also be an opt-in gift to collect contact name and email address from the attendee in order to receive the bonus. Great bonuses can include, but are not limited to: special reports, ebooks, software, templates, calculators, SOPs, courses, demo products, strategy calls, checklists, cheatsheets, discounts, free+shipping offers and more!
Per Lead Payout Program
How often do you get the opportunity to earn your sponsorship investment back? All sponsors are given a unique link (tracked) to share with others who would also like to attend the events. We provide a Per Lead Payout Program as stipulated in the graphic below. On average, 10% of your referrals will upgrade and you’ll earn between $1 - $3 per lead based on which tier you achieve* - which adds up fast!
Dedicated Email
Forget overpriced “SWAG '' bags, brochures and trinkets that never get looked at… stop throwing your marketing dollars always on promo product gimmicks that simply don’t work. Gold and above sponsors will receive 1, 2 or 3 dedicated email sends to our ENTIRE summit registration list post event. This is the perfect time to connect with the attendees and make an offer to them without the distractions of any other sponsor. Send them a link to your website, product listings, demo pages, sales call sign up page and more!
Sponsored Presentation
Platinum and Titanium sponsors will have the opportunity to be interviewed as a presenter in the summit. This coveted placement will add thought leadership and create a sense of reciprocity in the mind of the attendees. We don’t allow those we interview to pitch or sell in the interview, however, sponsors can make a soft offer that delivers value in this special sponsored presentation.
Online Webinar
We will be hosting a series of masterclasses and webinars following the summit event to educate, showcase and sell the products and services of our sponsors. Imagine having the full attention of the masterclass audience where you can take them on a deep dive of your latest endeavor or innovation while creating sales and buzz in the process.
Sponsored Happy Hour
Reserved for our Titanium sponsors only, we will be hosting a series of live “Happy Hour” sessions each day of the three day event. This unique live interaction and networking opportunity is our way of emulating the after hours bar experience where many of the biggest deals get done at live events. Our sponsor(s) each day will be given the floor to share innovations, ideas and connect with attendees in an interactive experience.
"Sponsored By" Placement
Titanium sponsored brands will be displayed at the end of each video session giving the maximum amount of exposure before, during and after the summit. Your brand will be visible to all attendees from the first play and every replay of the summit sessions. It’s like being a name sponsor for the event.
Per Lead Payout Program
$1.00 Per Lead = 0-499 Opt Ins/Registrants
$1.25 Per Lead = 500-999 Opt Ins/Registrants
$1.50 Per Lead = 1,000-1,499 Opt Ins/Registrants
$1.75 Per Lead = 1,500-1,999 Opt Ins/Registrants
$2.00 Per Lead = 2,000-2,499 Opt Ins/Registrants
$2.25 Per Lead = 2,500-2,999 Opt Ins/Registrants
$2.50 Per Lead = 3,000-3,499 Opt Ins/Registrants
$2.75 Per Lead = 3,500-3,999 Opt Ins/Registrants
$3.00 Per Lead = 4,000+ Opt Ins/Registrants
*In Order To Qualify for $1-$3, Your Leads Must Convert At The Average Of Other Affiliates Or Your Commission Structure Will Be Revert to 50% Of The VIP Pass Sales
Interested in becoming a sponsor at one of our events?
Contact Our Sponsorship Team

Kevin -
Anthony -

Want To Speak On The Summit?
Get in front of the right audience so you can build your list and sell your programs.
Speaker Benefits:
We're anticipating over 10,000 attendees! That's equivalent to speaking in front of a packed arena of your ideal customers.
Earn $1 per free registration* that you send to the summit from your email list.
Don't have a list or can't promote...? No problem! Become a speaker/sponsor and get a dedicated email send to the entire summit list, post-event.
Include a bonus in our VIP package and reach our buyer's list long after the summit is over. 
Speaker Questions?
Contact Jacky